
Showing posts from September, 2010

No denial, no anger, good health

Yesterday morning I went running as usual.  Unlike other days, instead of watching Bloomberg news, following currencies and stock market movements, I decided to watch Oprah Winfrey.   There was an interesting show in which she had brought a bunch of obese teenage boys and girls to attend a workshop. I guessed most of them must have weighed over a 100 kgs.  It wasn't their size that fascinated me, but what they did during the workshop.  It changed their lives. They faced up to their fears and acknowledged what it was that had been gnawing at them inside and causing all this unhappiness and emotional overeating.  It's something that many many people succumb to without realizing it and then they get stuck in this vicious cycle that becomes hard to break and detrimental to their health. The workshop had these teenage boys and girls start sentences with " If you really knew me, you'd know I ......"   A lot of things came out.  A lot of private things.  Think ab

A Chinese Shrine in Kuala Lumpur

Yesterday when I wrote about the Indian Temple I failed to mention that on the same street is also a wonderful Chinese Shrine for you to visit if you've never been to one.  Like other Chinese shrines I've been to they have the same distinctive red colour and a pair of dragons lining the entrance. This shrine, however, too must have been newly renovated and the colours were so vibrant it made you forget that you were anywhere but in China.   I felt as if I had entered another world, away from the traditional Kuala Lumpur. There were chinese characters everywhere and smoke from the incense swirled up into the air.  I particularly loved the spring shaped incense at this temple. I had never seen them anywhere else and they were hung by the entrance with notes attached to them.  Beautiful. If you get a chance to walk down the street, stop by the chinese shrine for a little escape into a calm and peaceful world.  It reminds us of how many cultures can survive together in peace. 

A Hindu Temple in Kuala Lumpur

Thinking back to my trip in Kuala Lumpur, there are still a few things I have yet to write about so I thought I'd write a bit more on it for those who plan to take a visit there.  There is a street called Jalan Tun H.S. Lee not too far from Chinatown that is home to a few shops selling all the party goods you could possibly want and interestingly a Hindu temple.  The temple had just been renovated when I went there and the colours were bright and vibrant.  I must say its my first time inside a Hindu temple.  There is one in Bangkok, which I must admit I have still yet to visit.  It is on my "to-do" list. The entrance is uniquely hindu with all the sculptures of the hindu gods.  Many deities are depicted on the pyramidal shape above the front door and painted in a variety of colours.   I see Ganesh, the diety that takes shape of an elephant.  Others, I am not so sure of their names.  The colours are striking though and very unique. It makes my senses tingle as it does w

In Remembrance of Dyzio od Abruchy: My One and Only

Six years ago on this very day my true love died.  Dyzio od Abruchy.  He was a miniature dacshund, rusty brown in colour with a fluffy tail and eyes that made you melt.  Born in Poland and raised in five different countries, Dyzio was a well-traveled dog who was loved by all who knew him.  He traveled on the plane. First class with a ticket and private box.  He was indeed a lucky dog.  He was my baby. He spoke not Polish his birth country, nor English, but spoke Thai.  He understood when I told him to go fetch his toy upstairs and bring it down to play with me.  He understood when we told him to keep quiet. I got Dyzio in Poland where I had been living with my parents at that time.  It was 1993 and the Solidarity movement in Poland had just won their first elections in a Communisty country.  For the first time, Poland was moving towards a free market economy.  Everything was changing, and it changed fast. I remember, in other countries you had pet shops and you had kennels where

The Mid-Autumn Festival: Mooncakes

In many countries in Asia today, people are celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival.  China, Taiwan, and Korea are officially closed for holidays.   Each year, the date is set according to the Chinese calendar and falls on the same day as the autumnal equinox.  This is when the moon is supposed to be at its most beautiful being at its fullest and roundness. I look outside on my balcony, but the clouds hide the moon.  I won't get to see the beautiful white moon tonight. In China, I hear the festival is a big event with lanterns, parades, dances and other rituals that date back over 3000 years ago.  There are so many legends behind this festival, I wonder which one is true. Is it the one about the moon goddess of immortality and the rabbit, or the one about overthrowing the Mongol rulers?    On this day of celebration, people eat mooncakes which I personally love and find absolutely delicious even though I don't celebrate it.  Thinking about it, I have only been aware of these

A thousand dreams

I like to dream.  I dream of all the things I want to do and be.  I dream that one day I'll be able to play golf like a pro.  I dream that one day I'll sing like a bluebird.  I dream of traveling the world and having my own set of books. I dream so many things that I wonder where to start.  Each day, each week, I come up with a new dream.  I wonder if this lifetime I'd be able to accomplish them all. There are just so many things to do in life. I have work, I have family, I have errands, I have social obligations.  Perhaps I need to have nine lives like a cat. As said matter of factly by Alex:  "We only have 24 hours in day." It's important to dream your dreams, but its also important to focus your energy on what dream you want to accomplish most and when. If your immediate goal is to lose weight, then ignore all your other dreams for the moment and focus on losing weight.  It'll take time.  It always takes time to accomplish a goal, and if you don

The Power of Words

Words can have powerful meaning and effect on people.   Of course we all know that its the "actions" that count and not the "words", but don't underestimate the power of choosing and saying the right "words."  Words are a form of communication that is irreplaceable.  Afterall, it is how we humans communicate to one another. There are those who speak without thinking and just say whatever comes to mind.  There are those who speak from their emotions and those who choosing their words wisely before speaking.   There are those who speak a certain way and use words to try and gauge your reaction to a certain topic and those who twist your words around. Words in effect are a reflection of the person we are. If we always use negative words which emphasize how horribly tragic our life is and miserable it is, it can have an adverse effect on our brain.  Everyday, we'll be infused with words describing the sorry state of our lives.  Everyday we tell o

The Flying Lizard

Here's just a light story to liven up your Sunday. This past weekend, I had a mildly traumatic experience.  To some it might just be considered as "nothing" and pushed aside, but for me it was something that frankly gave me goosebumps and an overactive imagination for the rest of the night. I had returned to sleep in my old bedroom that I had inhabited in my younger days.  Everything was fine until I turned on the airconditioner that was up high on the ceiling.  It's regularly cleaned and everything works just wonderful.  I set the temperature and lay down on my bed ready for a relaxing night. Then out of the blue, in the corner of my eye, I spotted something white floating down through the air.  At first I thought it was perhaps some tissue or some dust.  Nevertheless, my reflexes took over and I quickly ducted out of the way for fear of having anything falling on my head, no matter how light it is. I literally jumped out of bed and onto my feet, waving my hair

Unwire and Disconnect: Phone addiction detected

One day, I'll turn off all my gadgets, disconnect from the online world and just disappear.  I've had this on my mind awhile now, but its easier said than done.  If I'm not on the phone checking my email, updating my facebook, writing out a "To Do" list, making notes on thoughts that cross my mind, checking the news or messaging a friend; I find myself on the computer or in front of the television.   I'm perpetually connected.  You can find me easily just like that.  Send me a message or an email. With my first advent into the world of connectivity with first the symbian Nokia E71 and now the iPhone, I have become addicted to this world of "accessibility."  Everything is available at the touch of my fingertips, whether it's checking out the latest news, my portable notepad, my emails, photographs and of course facebook.  Whenever I get tired or distracted, I end up picking up the phone and go through the motions of checking my emails, message

Time flies but its in your hands

Time flies.  It seems to fly by faster the older one gets.  I remember when I was young, a day seemed so long. It was filled with going to school, having the afternoon nap, homework, playing with the dog, reading or doing other odd things.  I was always looking forward to birthdays and another year. Nowadays, a day is over even though you feel like it just started.  You're sitting there working and then before you know it, its already time to go home.  It goes by so fast, that years past like it was months.  My birthday seems to be coming by around faster.  Too fast.  I don't look forward to it as much anymore. Whenever people ask me how long I've been working, the answer is no longer one digit.  It is now two digits and I realize: "Gosh, I'm not that young anymore."   What happen to all my dreams and goals?  Have I  accomplished all I want to?  Grey hair is popping up. Despite all the bad news about time flying by fast, the good thing is that you're

Stretch Before You Run

The older one gets, the more prone to injury one becomes.   I never understood all this, until I've started to feel the effects of age.  I still consider myself young, yet sometimes my body tells me otherwise.  If I bend down and up too fast, I can pull a muscle and hurt myself.  It's painful.  Simple things that once before you did without a second thought to it, now require some thinking.  Things have to be done slightly slower and with more care to prevent any unwanted injuries.  Nevertheless, I'm not going to let it stop me from doing things I want to! As we know, running without the proper form can be dangerous to your knees.  However, something else that is equally important and a lot of people overlook is stretching your muscles before the run.   Before you hop on the treadmill, take a few minutes of your time and stretch the muscles.  It's important though that you don't stretch the muscles and hold them in one position for a long period of time (at le

Remember September 11

Many articles have been written about 9/11 in the last few days especially running up to its 9th anniversary.   It's definitely a day to remember not only for Americans but for everyone around the world.   Lots of my closest friends were working in the area and some even lived a few blocks down from the World Trade Center.  I'm sure that in one way or another, we all know someone who was there. I remember the day clearly like it was yesterday.  Living in Thailand, I was no where near the events yet it touched me in so many other ways. I had friends and family who worked there, lived around there, or may have been doing business there.  It was an area I've been to before and could relate to, watching the view from atop the tower, shopping at the Century 21 store just across the street, or buying broadway show tickets at the ticket counter there. The World Trade Center was a symbol of modernization.  You would see it as part of a skyline and one that you wouldn't imag

Hari Raya Mozz Cato Cookies

Happy Hari Raya Day!! :) Today is a special day in the islam world and I have only recently learnt what it means.  Every year on my calendar, I would see that all the islam countries would have this day off a national holiday but I never understood its significance until my previous trip to Malaysia.  Today is the end of Ramadan and it is a big celebration. From my understanding, it is a bit like Christmas.  Family members gather together for the Friday prayer.  There is a special prayer for the end of Ramadan and all those who attend, dress up in their best traditional clothes.  It's a time for celebration. Shops are filled with shoppers buying gifts and special delicacies are cooked up for the celebration.  Family members from around the country unite together.  Prisoners are released from jail as acts of good faith.  It is a day of celebration and good deeds. On my visit there, my friend bought me these wonderfully delicious traditional cookies. The cookies were made fresh

The bare essentials

When you ask me what I do on the weekends, a most common answer you'll get is "clearing up my house."  I have so many things and belongings lying around the house and it is forever in a state of clutter. I never seem to be able to get it to be as clean as I want it to be.  I want the house to be clean like a hotel room. Bare except for a few essentials. That's my ultimate goal, but for as long as I can remember, I am forever "clearing up" my junk.   I spend hours on end clearing out magazines, advertisements sent through the mail, and sorting through the piles of paper. I line the books up on my self, all categorized.  Everything has its own place. Nevertheless, I have so much that if you tried to add anything new, there wouldn't be any space for it.  It'd be lying out on the table or perhaps sit quietly in a corner.   I have things neatly hidden away from the eye. In drawers and boxes. The question is:  who doesn't accumulate new thing

Run. Run Properly

Believe it or not, I've been running regularly for over a year now.  Compared to my very inactive lifestyle before, it still astonishes me when I think about it.  Nevertheless, I am still not bored of running, and I don't think I will ever give up running.  There are always new challenges and something for me to focus on improving.  When I first started running, I had trouble breathing.   I found myself wondering if I should breathe through my nose or my mouth.   I gasped for air.   Now I am focusing on how to ensure that I run properly.  Just because I can run, doesn't mean I am running properly.  It is essential that I run properly to avoid unnecessarily injuring myself. I noticed that when I ran, I was always "louder" than all the other runners next to me.  I didn't think much about it.  I thought it was because I was "big" and so my weight on the treadmill was the reason for all that noise.  Then one day, as I was running along and being quit

Why Me, Why Me.....Why Not Me?

There is so much to write about KL I could keep going on for weeks and weeks, but like all things, we need some variety in life.  A story I recently heard of a man who had been suffering from an illness has been going through my head for quite awhile now and its time I wrote something about it.  It goes like this:  "Why me, why me?"...and then "Why not me?" What on earth am I saying?  Well, if you think about it, when we complain about things that happen to us and all the injustices of this world, we always like to ask ourselves, "Why me?"   Why was I so unlucky?  Why am I so poor? Why didn't that miracle happen to me? Why didn't I get the handsome dude, or the pretty girl?  Why did I get hit on the head? Why did I get this illness?  Why did I have to suffer? Why, why and why?  We don't know "why" and will probably never find out "why."  All we know is that we dearly want to find out.  We use up a considerable amount o

"Festive" Ramadan

We know muslims fast, but do we know why?  Something new I learnt about "Ramadan," when muslims around the world fast for a month each year, is that it is actually a "festive" season for muslims!   Eventhough I have muslim friends and have witnessed them fasting through school, I just always recognized it as a month when they would be not be eating during the day.  It didn't sound very festive to me.   I knew it was according to the lunar calendar, but that was about the extent of my knowledge.   Little did I know it was "festive" until I found myself in the minority and surrounded by a different world. Ramadan, my friend taught me was a time of purification.  Fasting is a time when they ask for forgiveness for past sins, and in turn do good deeds and restrain themselves from dawn till dusk.   It's a time of self-contemplation when one is to forgo worldy activities and get intouch with God.   Ramadan is also said to be an auspicious month in whic

Malaysia's Chinatown: Jalan Petaling (Petaling Street) Beef Noodles

Happy Weekend!  It's been one week since I went to KL, gosh time goes fly by fast.   If you are in KL, a fun street to go walk around is "Jalan Petaling."  It's the main walking street in KL's Chinatown.  It reminds me somewhat of Khaosan road with all the roadside stalls selling everything you could possible want from brand name bags to sunglasses.  It's a fun walk. Just outside the entrance to Jalan Petaling though is a local "Beef noodle" soup pllace called "Shin kee."  Housed in a pale yellow shop house it's a tiny space crammed with chairs and tables and you have to move for others to get out, but the food is worth it.  As in Thai noodle shops, you have a choice of having the noodle with soup, or without, with just beef balls or with also sliced beef. At first I had the noodles with soup and it was just aromatic and delicious.  The egg noodles are slightly fatter and have a different texture to that in Thailand.  I like it.  In

The Petronas (Twin) Towers

Okay, I've been back four days and I'm still writing about Kuala Lumpur.  There is just so much to write about!  When you think of sight seeing in Kuala Lumpur, the first site that most often pops into anyone's mind is the "Petronas (Twin) Towers."    (In case you're wondering, Petronas is the large Malaysian oil conglomerate and it occupies one of the towers) For six years between 1998-2004 the 88 storey high Petronas Towers claimed the title of being the world's tallest building  until it was surpassed by Taipei 101.  Now, it still holds the title as the world's tallest Twin Towers.  I've seen many pictures of it and what always came to mind was, "ok, its a tall building, what next?"   I didn't really expect much, but I have to say that I was surprised at how beautiful it is when I actually saw the building. Walking around the building and looking upwards, I felt how impressive it was and the steel straps that ran around the bui

Chawan, Malaysia's Coffee Shop

What is a holiday if you don't get to enjoy eating a little?  Learning about any culture requires one to also try their local specialities and my good friend made sure I got to try all the good Malaysian food!  I was constantly fed more than I should have delicious Malaysian food and snacks.  I must say  I really do like Malaysia food and their curries.  It's not too spicy and it always involves coconut and chilli.  Not wonderful for your waistline, but too irrestible to forgo. I decided to just eat and then come back home to run it off :)  Afterall, one's got to enjoy eating!  Why run if you can't enjoy a little treat now and then?  The first stop I was taken to was a lovely coffee place called "Chawan."  Apparently it is a Malaysian coffee chain and can be found almost anywhere.  They serve a variety of coffees and teas in traditional Malay style and most importantly they serve a variety of Malaysian food! Roti Jala with Chicken Curry My friend orde