
Showing posts from January, 2011

Old Town Bangkok: The Muslim Restaurant

Sunday is our day.  On Sundays (when we have time) we like to go explore Bangkok, there is so much to see, so much that is yet to be discovered in this City of Angels.  Today, we started our journey on Bangkok's oldest road: Charoen Krung Road.  Built in 1861, this road runs through the major sites of Old Bangkok and still retains the charm of old Bangkok.  Our main destination though was the Muslim Restaurant near to Charoen Krung Soi 42 and by the intersection of Silom Road and Charoen Krung Road. Now I've been on this road many times before, but usually it was on a car passing by on my way to the hotels that sit along the Chaophraya River.  Walking, however, gives you a whole different perspective on things.  You get to see and explore what previously you would have missed.  Going carless, you get the freedom of walking wherever you so desire and ending up in unexpected places.   A little Bangkok adventure.  We love it. And so we went to the " Muslim Restaurant .&qu

5K Cancer Care Charity Fun Run

If you are a member of my facebook page, you probably already saw some photos I've posted from this morning's Cancer Care Charity Fun Run.  This is my second time running the 5K and the first time I did it alone without Alex motivating me on.  I have to say it wasn't easy considering I was having stomach cramps, but then running is all a mind game.  Once you get in it, you just have to try and win over. The mind game for me started the minute I woke up.  I wasn't feeling very well and my lazy me kept telling me to just sleep in and forgo it.  So many reasons popped into my head in a matter of minutes.  Luckily, the past year and a half the lazy me's voice has been growing quieter and quieter as it had been losing its battles to the active me. "Active" me jumped into attack the "lazy" me and it told me to just get my lazy bum off my bed, get ready and get to the park.  It told me that when I was there, if I was still truly feeling ill, then I

I like, You Like : Peace

I like, you like. We all like different things.  Life is strange, everyone of us like different things. It makes things complicated sometimes, but then it is also the spice of life.   Imagine how monotone and plain everything will be if everyone on earth all liked a particular shade of blue and loved the exact same food.  We would be one big monotonic human race. Boring. Oftentimes though, we forget that others like different things.  Sometimes we like things done a particular way or like things a certain way to such an extent that we come to think that is "THE" way to do things, the ONLY way.    We'd start thinking, "I like A and B, because of C and D.  And because I think so, it is the best way.  Everyone should like and do it the way I do.  If they don't, they are making a mistake." We get so obessed in our beliefs and so set in our likes we project ourselves onto others, all the while, forgetting that he/she is not like me.  He/She is NOT me.  We get

Please "alight"

Languages are funny things.  They evolve and transform over time.  Different countries use different versions of the same language.  Cleaning up some things from my previous trip to Singapore, I was reminded of this funny word I noticed while I was there.  The word "alight."  Now I haven't been to England for over a decade so I'm not sure if this word is still used widely there, but in Singapore it is used when you take the underground or as they call it the MRT.  Upon approaching stations where you can take connecting trains, the speaker will announce "Please alight at XXX station for XXXX."  It comes out in a clear, crisp and perfectly accented english. It's easy to understand and the word makes perfect sense, but somehow everytime I hear the word, it makes me grin.  It sounds like a different world. A different time. I don't remember having heard the word "alight" being widely used in the US when I was there, but that was a long time

"Life" on this Earth

Sitting amongst my belongings, clearing out old documents, and finding the proper place for my things I wonder about life and death.  It's really quiet here in my new house, and absent of my TV, DVD and stereo which have yet to be unpacked, I have a lot of quiet time to ponder and contemplate about life.  I like it actually.   I wonder mostly about what will happen to all these accumulated things once I am no longer on this earth and how they affect my life? Then I think about death.  Life is fleeting.  This past New Years, news of horrific accidents made me sad.   Those who died were good people, with good lives and families which loved them.  Many were young.  Life could be taken from us anytime, anywhere, in anyform. Gone in a flash. So when the time finally arrives, what matters then?  Is it all these belongings we have?  Is it the title we hold or the positions we held?  Is it the money in our bank account?  Or is life really just about what kind of person you are?  What g

The Adjective

Adjectives are a funny thing.  We use it to describe things, objects and people that surround us. It is something we do almost unconsciously and so I have lately noticed how adjectives used to describe one changes. For a very long time, I was always described as "chubby" by those who know me.  I was then likened to a panda and then a penguin.  All very cute animals, and terms of endearment but if you noticed, pandas and penguins are black and white and have no waistline!  Now,  I have become "long neck" or even "chopstick legs." Perhaps I'm a long neck dinosaur or a twiggy twig walking? Oh the stick insect! Whatever adjective we are described as by our friends and those who know us, I think the most important factor to remember is to be healthy.  No one is perfect, we all have flaws and there are countless adjectives to describe us humans.  Therefore, it matters not what we are called,  what matters is how well we take care of our health, exercise, a

Dogs Swim, Me Eat : iTube at Sukhumvit 39

This afternoon, Alex and I visited iTube for the first time.  We've just recently discovered this hidden secret, just recently opened, in the heart of the city and I have to say it is indeed a cool concept and one that I is appealing to dog lovers.  It's a place where you can imagine spending your Sunday afternoon chilling away in the comfort of a 1960's style house with coffee, cakes and a saline pool where dogs get centre stage.    It's not just a coffee shop, it's a place where dogs can swim and have fun.  Here, dogs can feel at home and run around as if they were the masters of the place. Upon first driving into Soi Promit, just off Sukhumvit 39, you are surrounded by a number of houses until you reach an apartment building.  Turn left and iTube is to your left.  It's hard to miss this 1960's house in its unique blue colour.  I love the large parking space and the lush garden that greets you upon arrival.  I feel like I'm visiting a friend's

Chocolate Crazy at Cherubin, Sukhumvit 31

It's been a few days since my last post and much has happened since then.  Well, by "much" I mean I've moved from an apartment back into a house, did some unpacking and am slowing getting used to driving new routes to and from the house.  Anyways, after all this packing and unpacking, I am now dreaming of some great Chocolate cake by Cherubin following my virtual trip to ISAO . I love chocolate, I love dark chocolate.  I love chocolate that isn't too sweet nor too creamy.  I love Lindt dark chocolates.  They're the best. There are a lot of bakery shops in Bangkok with all types of cakes to suit your style, but one that is especially appealing to me though is CHERUBIN .  It's located on Sukhumvit 31, right next to ISAO (reviewed in my previous post) and is a cute little bakery with roughly 6-7 tables.  It's quite spacious and there is an adorable little corner inhabited by a number of teddy bears.   (I know I'm a little old for teddy bears, but

"ISAO" Japanese Fusion Sushi Bar

I'm taking a break from moving and clearing away clutter today and instead take myself on a virtual holiday to a great sushi place I tried out with my dear friends over the holidays.  It's called "ISAO" and is located at Sukhumvit 31, accessible by BTS Phrom Phrong station.  (They have 1 parking space, so I recommend taking the BTS or the taxi.)  I like the sushi there, I like it very much and right now wish I could go for some "Jackie" or the "Spicy salmon." The restaurant is not big but it has a second level where they have quite a few tables.  Upon entering, you immediately feel like you are in Japan.  It's clean, cosy and feels authentic surrounded by bamboos.  The tables and chairs are comfortable.  You could spend a good two hours there chatting away and catching up. (We did anyways)  I think it would also be a good "date" place or somewhere to just go have a nice quiet lunch if you are out of ideas and don't want to spe

A decade of memories......or junk?

After a decade of living in this apartment, I am moving house.  It feels surreal as I go through my belongings and throw away things I've kept for far longer than I should have.  Moving is good.  It keeps one energized and stimulated eventhough it's so tiring you forget where your days went.  Moving gives us an opportunity to go through our things and throw away the "excesses" and things that are no longer functioning. Moving this time I've learnt that I am a great hoarder of plastic bags, paper bags and now canvas bags.  You name it. I have every kind of bag you could possibly want.  I've got the tiniest paper bags to the biggest plastic bag you've ever seen. I got bags from different countries, continents and different designs.  Different versions from the same shop even.  Wow, I wonder if I am saving them to have a museum of shopping bags? I am not going to collect them anymore though.   I've learnt my lesson. I bought some large black garbage

De-clutter and De-stress!

Earlier today I read an article in the New York times entitled "Organize This" and in my attempt to organize all my accumulated treasures and some not so treasures, I found the article extremely interesting.  It tells of a how a certain Barbara Reich whizzes into a doorman apartment, clears, throws and organizes away piles of belongings of the rich and wealthy.  Three hours later she is $450 richer and has more than a dozen garbage bags.  I think its awesome.  It's an awesome job for Barbara, and it's awesome to have a house organized and de-cluttered. Clutter equals stress and by helping people organize their things, she helps them reduce stress.  Of course if you can afford her $150 rate, go for it.  For the rest of us, who are not so well off, I guess we just have to do the de-cluttering ourselves and relieve ourselves of unecessary things.  I've been trying to de-clutter my apartment for weeks, months and years but to no avail.  I buy boxes to store my thi

Forgive, Forget and Move On

The weekend is over and I've returned to busy Bangkok after a peaceful weekend in the mountains.  I have to say that when I'm there the days seem longer and the nights more relaxing.  There isn't any traffic for us to get stuck in and when you wake up, you are greeted by temperatures of 18 degrees celsius.  It's just sublime.   You feel light as a feather.  You also find yourself when you are there.  So I found myself a little more this past weekend and a little more I realize who I am.  How can I NOT know myself?  Believe me, I don't yet fully know "me."  (By knowing, I mean you truly evaluate all your actions and your thoughts and you know EXACTLY where and why they are the way they are.  I don't mean your name and your place in life.  That we all know.  I'm talking about a much deeper level of understanding "me." )  It's all about understanding the motives, reasoning, and emotions behind our actions. Once we find and understand

Quiet Time, Quiet contemplation

Today I escaped hectic Bangkok to Khao Yai ( a mountainous area not far from Bangkok) and I have to say it's wonderful. I am in the middle of nowhere and I can hear the sounds of nature around me. Absent of light pollution the stars shine brightly in the night sky. Orion is clearly visible. The temperature is just perfect. Lovely and cool without the snow. I am starting to feel like it's the New Years afterall. It's quiet and I can hear myself think. It's great to have some peaceful time and relax surrounded by family. There really isn't much that one needs. And so this year I urge everyone to take out some quiet time to think about what it is they want in life. You could say you know, but do you really and truly know? Be careful what you wish for. Don't be fooled by pretty packages. Sweet dreams and have a good night everyone!

Storage Tip: Earrings and Cufflinks

Happy Friday :) It's the first Friday of the month, and the first Friday of 2011. Somehow I feel like it has already been a few months since the New Years.  There is so much to do.  This year also sounds futuristic and as if it came from a sci-fi movie.  Nevertheless, it is here and ready for us to embrace.  The office opposite my building is certainly embracing it.  For a few hours now, they have been partying with food, music and dancing. It sounds fun.   The New Years is also a time for us to get organized and clean up our living space.  I've been trying to clear up my accumulated junk, but the pile seems to come out from Mary Poppins' bag.  Once I take things out of drawers and shelves, they suddenly blossom and grow in size. I have piles of things I have to donate, piles of things waiting to go into storage, and piles of things I have to sort.  The piles of things to sort is just so large sometimes I wonder if I'd every finish it this lifetime.  I suppose I jus

10 Tips on How to Get that Diet Started!

Now the year has started and the holiday festivities are slowing losing momentum (at least until the Chinese New Year) let's all start the year out being fit and healthy!    A lot of people start the year with a resolution to lose some weight and be healthy.  It often works for a couple months and then somehow the goal gets lost amidst all the work and whatever life brings us and we end the year having gained weight rather than having lost weight. That was me for probably more than a decade or so. No more.  It still feels surreal having lost 15kg (32 lbs).  This time last year, I was still working on my last few kgs. Wow. This year, for the first time, my goal is to just maintain my weight and I tell you it feels WONDERFUL. It's amazingly less stress and I don't have to start the year with a guilty feeling knowing I didn't make it happen last year and so I have to do it again this year.  I can move on with my life and work on other goals.  Yes, it feels good.  And I

2011: New Year, New Life , New Goals

Suddenly, 2010 is over just like that.  Before I have a chance to give it a proper goodbye, 2011 creeps up on me faster than I can say farewell to all the marvelous experiences and lessons I have learnt throughout the past year.   Of course there were sad times, stressful times and not so pleasant times, but then I choose to remember the good times, the happy times and all the things that makes life pleasant. This year will definitely be one fascinating year.  In every aspect, the world is changing.  Climate change is causing many countries to experience snowfall unlike ever before.  Belgium is having their coldest winter.. when I lived there over 20 years ago, it hardly snowed.  When it did, it'll melt away so soon I never got to make a snowman.  Economies are recovering from the financial crisis, politics is changing  and of course, we are all growing a year older.   Age creeps up quietly on us like a cat watching a mouse. So this year, in my attempt to become a better person