2012: A year you make your own

It's 2012. It's the year the world as we know it is supposed to end.  There's a whole movie dedicated to this year which I haven't seen yet, but many tell me it is strikingly familiar with earthquakes, tsunamis, floods and any kind of natural disaster you can think about.  Whatever happens, let's not live in fear about what will or could happen.  Let's approach 2012 from another perspective.  Let it be a year of new beginnings, new adventures and new life. Let it be a year you can say was your year.

Life for me is a lot about what you make of it.   New Years is a good time for us to reconsider what is important to us, what it is we want to accomplish this year and most importantly, what it is we learnt the past year.

I know I've learnt a lot and there is still much I have to learn. 

One of the most important things I've learnt though is that your life is in your hands. If there is something about you that you don't like, you don't have to dwell on it and forever be in a state of sorrow about it.  You can take action and make things better.  It doesn't always have to be external factors like losing weight or getting fit, it can be internal things like the way you think.

For example, many of us (and I included) like to see the negative side of things.  Sometimes we see events or view things from a negative side and as a result become unhappy, sad and emotional. If we let it eat into us, we will be living our life in sadness, bitterness and sorrow. What sort of life would that be?  Perhaps one grey and sad like Ebenezer Scrooge's world before he realized what life should be about.

So let's think positive.  Let us enjoy the year ahead of us.  Even if the economy is bad, even if something happens we don't want to happen, think of it this way: Bad things happen to us so that better things can happen to us. 

So find the "positive" side to anything that happens to you this year and let 2012 be a blast of a year! It is what you make of it.  Let not others run your year.  It is yours to run. :)  No need for a list of resolutions. Just this one I think is enough to keep one busy all year round.

I know not if half way through we will all die or if I will just happenly succumb to a heart attack and die young.  Who knows what will happen. I might just choke on a spoon of water. These things do happen.  When it does, lets hope we can look back during that brief flash before we die and be proud of the life we have lived.   Happy New Year 2012!


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