I Promise..

Its March 16, 2010 and after having spent most of my roughly 30 years of existence dreaming about projects that for some reason never materialize.. This year, I promise myself that things will be different. Why? Because I KNOW that I can do it.

Last year, I lost 14kgs over a period of roughly 6 months and it is a feat I am very proud of. It was NOT easy, but with the loving support of Alex (my boyfriend) who also acted as my coach, I DID it. Throughout my life, I had always been considered "Chubby" and at one point I was more than "Chubby," I was large. Luckily for me, things never got quite out of control but I had been carrying extra weight all my life and could never fit into clothes I liked at stores, hence the "conservative" me. Shirts and pants were the norm.. in various colors....

Here's a bit of what I learnt along the way: 1) To think you can do something, is not the same as actually doing it 2) Nothing is ever as hard as it first seems to be if you just do it and 3)If you don't reach your personal goal, you are only cheating yourself. Think about it..

Anyways, in this blog, I promise that I will write down insights and lessons I learnt along the way to becoming the lighter, happier, calmer, confident and
healthier me. I have inspired my colleagues to start a weight loss competition, I hope I can be as inspiring to others who struggle to lose weight.

For me, it was more about achieving my personal dream that it was about losing weight. I wanted to wear that dress I spotted at the store and look good in it. I didn't want to go around looking for shops with larger sizes and limited styles. It was a passing dream, but I made it happen and so can anyone who sets their mind to it.


  1. congrats swisa!!! look forward to reading more of ur blog!! (this is mike from HK)

  2. Wow Swisa!!! I'm really really impressed!!!! I am so proud of you! xoxo Sonia

  3. Thank you Mike and Sonia! :D I will be updating the blog daily. Will try and keep it entertaining! Let me know when you next come to BKK!


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