Run but Run Abroad?

When packing for my two week trip to Singapore I am always at a dilemma as to what to bring. I want to travel light so that I'd have space to bring my shopping and gifts back yet there are also a few essentials I think I should bring.  The list gets longer the older I'm getting.  For the first time now, I am actually now including running shoes and running clothes into my "list." 

They are needed because I know that for two weeks I'd be doing a lot of eating and sitting.  Trips like these are always a danger to the waistliine.  And so, this trip I brought along all my running gear.  On Tuesday, I woke up early and got myself down to the gym by 7am.  I have to say I expected it to be empty.  We're in a hotel I thought.  Who would work out so early? Most people would be gettting ready to eat breakfast or go out to their meetings.  This was still my still chubby inner me at work.

To my surprise, the little hotel gym was packed.  Almost all the cardiovascular machines were taken.  The two treadmills, the two elliptical machines and there were even people swimming in the pool outside!  Wow.    Everyone looked fit!   So this is what the healthy professionals do.  They still workout even while traveling....

I get on the only elliptical machine ready and workout.  It's tiring but I discover its a great way to get myself settled in to the place.   I feel fresh and all the tiredness of living out of the suitcase actually wears away.  I spy these same people later in suits and ties.  It is a good way to start the morning :)  Tomrrow morning I will go run again and keep my routine....  Funny, I never thought I'd be using precious cargo space for running shoes, but now I am and it feels wonderful.  Happy exercising wherever you are!


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