Earth Hour : Love the Planet

At 8.30pm today we had Earth Hour.  An hour when everyone worldwide together turned off unecessary lights and gave the world a much needed rest.  I think it's a wonderful initiative and one that I hope continues on every year.  Perhaps it will gather momentum and move to be twice a year.  Who knows.. it's such a simple gesture but one that is a great reminder to us all to take care of this earth we live in.

It always amazes me how simple gestures can be so powerful.  This Earth Hour was initally started in Sydney in 2007 and it has since expanded across the globe.  Wonderful, thank you for having started this. 

One hour we say might seem little, but in reality its effects are much more than we realize.  Millions of households simultaneously turning off lights will of course result in energy being saved and thereby having less environmental damage on the earth.   The important thing about this Earth Hour though is that it serves as a reminder to us all that energy is precious and that the Earth we live on is precious.  It places a spot on our conscience the next time we leave lights on when we don't need it.  Turn off lights you don't need, help the Earth, help your fellow Earth citizens and save your electricity bill.

In the end we all win :) Thank you Earth Hour for reminding me to turn off my lights.   Life is not only about us, it is also about the people we live with on this Earth.  Sweet dreams my readers.


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