A Gift for Birthdays

Every year just before my birthday, I get into a frenzy and decide I have to make a resolution.  It's a relatively new phenomenon for me thats been happening ever since I hit my thirties. I suppose it's the sudden realization that I am no longer young.  Each passing year, means another year of my life has passed and there are fewer to look forward to.

We grow up hearing abuout New Year Resolutions, but I wonder why can't we have Birthday Resolutions? It sounds so much more fun.   Each year just before our birthdays, we can all make resolutions.  Resolutions for ourselves. Resolutions that we want, whether it be taking better care of our health, or finishing that project we've been planning for years.

You start off these resolutions at your own pace, your own time.  The focus is on you. Afterall, it's your birthday.   It's "Me" Time resolutions to remind us that these are goals we set for ourselves and sincerely want to get done.  Remember though that "wanting" is not sufficient.  We have to also "JUST DO IT"!  Get it done and off your "To Do List" before there's no time.

Make a Birthday Resolution. It's the best gift you can give yourself.  Happy Birthday!


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