All the World's a Stage

"All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts,"

                                                                         William Shakespeare
I think Shakespeare was really right to compare our world to being a stage and us merely players.  We are all born onto this earth as a child, we play our parts, grow up, and then we depart.  Sometimes it's as if we are taking part in one giant movie.  Each life is a different movie.  Sometimes they interact, sometimes they each take their own path.   Upon each path, we encounter a series of characters, each one brings with it new experiences, new emotions.  Then paths diverge and evolve.  It's a lifelong process that ends when we depart from this world and exit the stage. 

I am suddenly reminded of the Truman Show.  A life we thought we had, was simply someone else's show.

What happens when we exit the stage?  No one knows. It's another story, another stage. Some believe in the afterlife, reincarnation.  Some believe there is a soul that remains and perhaps we go to heaven or to hell.  Some believe we are nothing more but dust and air once we perish.  It's an answer no one alive can ever tell you.  To find out, we'd first have to exit this stage. Then, we wouldn't be here discussing what happens.

What ever stage we are on. Whatever movie we are taking a part in, I think what matters most is what you learn from those experiences.  What you learn from your interactions with the other players and how your react.  That is life.  A series of experiences and interactions.  Fascinating.

What do you think?


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