Bangkok Flooding: Lost in limbo

It's my second day after evacuation and I feel somewhat lost in limbo.  I do not know what lies ahead.  I miss my home and I miss normal day life.  Forced evacuations are no fun even if you get to go out of town. Your mind is always wondering about what next.  What happens next?  No answer.  Now the dilemma is deciding when would be the appropriate time to go back?  If I go back too early, I may have to end up evacuating again.  If I wait, I do not know how long the wait will have to be. Will it be one week, two weeks or more?

I need to go back to go on with my life.  Now nothing can be planned and there is no timeframe.

I realize now how important it is to have certain basic certainty in one's life.  A safe home, clean tap water, electricity and a safe environment in which to live.  Most importantly though is to be surrounded by family and loved ones.  What good is having all the world's goods if your family is not with you?

I'm glad we are now all together and safe.  We don't have to worry about wading through water and getting electrocuted, nor do we have to worry about getting ill with no one to help.  I still do, however, worry about my country and all who are now suffering.  What will the future be like?  How long will this nightmare continue ?  When and if, will we ever return to normalcy?

Pray for Thailand.  Let's hope we all get past this nightmare.  Maybe bruised and battered, but still alive.


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