A Heart of Gold: HBD dearest AA!

Good friends are rare. Good friends who remain good friends decades later are even rarer.  Tonight I dedicate to my post to a friend whose birthday was a little over a week ago (AA) . It's a birthday I never forget and remember it every year for it falls close to Thanksgiving.  It's good for it also reminds us to be thankful of our dearest friends.  Every year we have a "celebration" that has become tradition for our cosy group of three close friends. 

Yes, I remember meeting her first year of college.  It came out in one way or another with us helping each other out, going for our first dim sum together, spending time together and yes we 'clicked' right away.  You know when you get along with someone, like you know when you don't get along with someone.  We talked about everything. We talked about life, thoughts and everything that could be talked about.

What I remember most is how she is always so happy, genuine, and so determined in everything she does.  She knows exactly what she wants.  It's a great character to have and one that to this days grows stronger and more beautiful like a tree in blossom.  The good thing about her is that she is always just herself, not boastful and down to earth even though she is a busy business woman with a growing company. I love that.  

Looking back, memories of college days still remain clearly in my mind. I remember late night karaokes, make up sessions, weekends exploring the culinary side of philly, day trips to New York, homemade carbonara spaghettis and summers back home in Bangkok.   The list is endless...we had a good four years together and almost twelve years after our graduation we are still the same (though older and hopefully wiser)

I also remember getting on the path to health with my dear friend. She convinced me to sign up for my first ever Yoga class at college when it was just a "new" kind of exercise and not many had heart of it.  She convinced me to sign up for the "gym" and together we'd go for late night workouts.  9pm onwards were when we worked out.  What a wonderful influence.  It was the first time I actually thought about exercise and it made a world of a difference.  Thank you dear friend. :)  Today you are still the fitness guru and have continued practicing Yoga through all these years until you are finally a qualified instructor yourself. 

I could go on and on for we have so much history, but for now all I want to say is "Thank you" dear friend for being such a great friend through all these years.  You were seriously my first "Thai" friend and one whose heart is genuinely genuine.  I never see you think any ill of anyone and you always make time for your friends.  Happy Birthday!  Wishing you all the happiness in this world dearest!


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