The Little Decisions That Matter

It's funny, half a world a way stories of Bangkok protests occupy the front page of the NY Times (web edition). Bangkok protests are once again in the headlines of every major newspaper and channel. If it was a Thai winning the Nobel prize, we would all be proud of it. But it isn't.

Anyways, I was discussing politics and whatnot with Alex and we got onto the conversation of how it is the "little decisions" we make each day that can affect the outcome of our lives and bring with it good or bad results.

Here's a little story. On Saturday, the day that we had some unrest in Bangkok, I was at a merit making ceremony at a temple nearby to where the protestors were camped. Actually, we were right next to them. Little did we know, that it would be the same day the government would try to restore back some law and order.

That morning, I wasn't sure if I would be able to attend in time. I called my parents and luckily found out that I was in time and that they were passing by my place. I hopped on and we all went together. All went well. We left the ceremony just 20 minutes before the soldiers started moving in. Even then, we were caught in traffic and forced along strange roads.

Luckily, it was an area I was familiar with, but it was an area that was unfamiliar to my parents. They only went to that area once or twice a year, while it was my daily commute to work. I knew my way around and took us on a roundabout way home that kept us safe and far from all the action.

Thinking about it, what if I had not decided to call and check ? What if I had not attended? What if I had left earlier and taken my own car? My parents would be driving around by themselves without much sense of direction, being forced by closed roads to take so many detours.

Would my parents know how to get themselves out of that area safely if I wasn't driving? Would they have left in time if it were not for a phone call from Alex warning us that things weren't looking good? Would they have been caught in the clashes? I don't know.

What I do know, is that my split minute decision to go to the ceremony together with my parents was a good one. I was able to take care of them and drive them to safety. We were together. If I hadn't I would probably have been worried sick. There are so many other examples of such decisions that can change your lives.... They can change what the next few hours of the rest of your lives will be like.... Interesting isn't it? Got any to share?


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