Overdoing Fruit Juice

We all know that fruits and therefore 100% fruit juice is healthy, filled with nutrients and fiber, but did we know that they are also high in sugar? I didn't know and thought that drinking lots of fruit juice was healthy and great for me. I mean, fruit juice is not soda and I made sure I got the 100% juice not the concentrated ones.

I sometimes would have half a liter or several glasses of juice a day. That was, until I was told that it is extremely high in sugar and that I had to check my portions! This was one of the reasons why I was big. I ate healthy, but I ate excessive portions. The sugar in it, slowed down my metabolism. (Metabolism that was already slow from lack of activity.)

According to the US Department of Agriculture's interactive website on the Food Pyramid, recommended daily amounts of fruits vary according to age group and sex. In my age group, I was only supposed to have only 2 cups of fruits a day! Now that's fruits, 1 cup of fruit juice equals 2 cups of fresh fruit! I had at least triple the recommended amount.

Now don't misunderstand me. Drink 100% fruit juice, it has great nutritional value, but just have a cup a day. Don't overdo it. :)

I have pasted the table below from the USDA website, so you can check your portion size.

Daily recommendation*

2-3 years old

1 cup**

4-8 years old

1 to 1 ½ cups**

9-13 years old

1 ½ cups**

14-18 years old

1 ½ cups**

9-13 years old

1 ½ cups**

14-18 years old

2 cups**

19-30 years old

2 cups**

31-50 years old

1 ½ cups**

51+ years old

1 ½ cups**

19-30 years old

2 cups**

31-50 years old

2 cups**

51+ years old

2 cups**

*These amounts are appropriate for individuals who get less than 30 minutes per day of moderate physical activity, beyond normal daily activities. Those who are more physically active may be able to consume more while staying within calorie needs. Click here for more information about physical activity.
** Click here to see what counts as a cup of fruit.


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