A thousand dreams

I like to dream.  I dream of all the things I want to do and be.  I dream that one day I'll be able to play golf like a pro.  I dream that one day I'll sing like a bluebird.  I dream of traveling the world and having my own set of books.

I dream so many things that I wonder where to start.  Each day, each week, I come up with a new dream.  I wonder if this lifetime I'd be able to accomplish them all. There are just so many things to do in life. I have work, I have family, I have errands, I have social obligations.  Perhaps I need to have nine lives like a cat.

As said matter of factly by Alex:  "We only have 24 hours in day."

It's important to dream your dreams, but its also important to focus your energy on what dream you want to accomplish most and when.

If your immediate goal is to lose weight, then ignore all your other dreams for the moment and focus on losing weight.  It'll take time.  It always takes time to accomplish a goal, and if you don't focus all your energy on it, it'll be hard to be successful.  There is no magic bullet, no magic pill.  Everything requires hard work.  It took  me half a year to lose 15kgs of my weight.  During that time, everything else was set aside.  I made time for my goal.   It wasn't easy, but now it's done, it's done. 

I have crossed it off my "To Do" list forever.    It was worth it.  Everyday I am so happy I did it.

Once you get that goal over and done, you can then start on your next goal whatever that might be.  It's through this succession of focus and prioritization that you will be able to accomplish all you want to.  Maybe you won't accomplish all of the dreams you dreamt, but at least you'd have accomplished the dreams you really wanted most.

If you really want something badly enough, you'll find a way to do it.  If not, there's always an excuse. :) 


  1. If you have a big 'Things to do before I die' list you should check out this blog too.
    It's all about how to complete your Life Lists and is very funny too.

  2. Thank you Shona :) I'll definitely check it out!


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