Time flies but its in your hands

Time flies.  It seems to fly by faster the older one gets.  I remember when I was young, a day seemed so long. It was filled with going to school, having the afternoon nap, homework, playing with the dog, reading or doing other odd things.  I was always looking forward to birthdays and another year.

Nowadays, a day is over even though you feel like it just started.  You're sitting there working and then before you know it, its already time to go home.  It goes by so fast, that years past like it was months.  My birthday seems to be coming by around faster.  Too fast.  I don't look forward to it as much anymore.

Whenever people ask me how long I've been working, the answer is no longer one digit.  It is now two digits and I realize: "Gosh, I'm not that young anymore."   What happen to all my dreams and goals?  Have I  accomplished all I want to?  Grey hair is popping up.

Despite all the bad news about time flying by fast, the good thing is that you're the one controlling it.  Even if time flew by faster than expected, it's never too late.  You're the one in control.  You direct what to do with your time.

The trick is just to not get drowned by the speed with which its gone, but to hold it in your hands and decide what to do with the rest of it.  That's what matters. It's all up to you .  There's no one else who can tell you what to do with it.  You're the captain of your ship. :)

Afterall, didn't Colonel Sanders, the founder of KFC succeed at age 75? :


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