The Adjective

Adjectives are a funny thing.  We use it to describe things, objects and people that surround us. It is something we do almost unconsciously and so I have lately noticed how adjectives used to describe one changes. For a very long time, I was always described as "chubby" by those who know me.  I was then likened to a panda and then a penguin.  All very cute animals, and terms of endearment but if you noticed, pandas and penguins are black and white and have no waistline!  Now,  I have become "long neck" or even "chopstick legs." Perhaps I'm a long neck dinosaur or a twiggy twig walking? Oh the stick insect!

Whatever adjective we are described as by our friends and those who know us, I think the most important factor to remember is to be healthy.  No one is perfect, we all have flaws and there are countless adjectives to describe us humans.  Therefore, it matters not what we are called,  what matters is how well we take care of our health, exercise, and have a balanced lifestyle. :)  Here's to good health!


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