Please "alight"

Languages are funny things.  They evolve and transform over time.  Different countries use different versions of the same language.  Cleaning up some things from my previous trip to Singapore, I was reminded of this funny word I noticed while I was there.  The word "alight."  Now I haven't been to England for over a decade so I'm not sure if this word is still used widely there, but in Singapore it is used when you take the underground or as they call it the MRT. 

Upon approaching stations where you can take connecting trains, the speaker will announce "Please alight at XXX station for XXXX."  It comes out in a clear, crisp and perfectly accented english. It's easy to understand and the word makes perfect sense, but somehow everytime I hear the word, it makes me grin.  It sounds like a different world. A different time.

I don't remember having heard the word "alight" being widely used in the US when I was there, but that was a long time ago. (Not on the East Coast or in Philly anyways)  Do you know where else "alight" is widely used?  Or are there other words that somehow pique your interest as "alight" did mine? :P  Please share :)


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