An April Birthday to Remember

Friendships are important and tonight I want to dedicate this post to a wonderful friend whom I've known since primary school.  It was her Birthday yesterday on April Fools Day and I had intended on writing this yesterday, but the internet connection somehow died on me.  I hope it lasts until I finish my post tonight :) 

This post is about my lovely friend Suki whom I've known since primary school.   I remember like it was yesterday.  We both wore the school white shirt and navy skirt uniform.  She had a sweet smile that made you feel warm and at ease, something I have to say she still does.  Never angry, never moody, she is always the image of calmness and sweetness.  Always positive and happy.  She is also a person who is so caring and attentive to everyone around her.  If you mention you like something, she'd remember it clearly even as the years go by.  You know she cares.

We had both spent our childhoods growing up in different countries before eventually finding ourselves in Bangkok.  I remember her telling me of her life in Saudi with the sand and the scarves.  Life there was so different from the life I had in Brussels.

Our paths diverged a few years later. I to Poland and she to Japan.  We kept in touch.  In those days, computers were rare and internet had not existed.  No emails, we wrote letters to each other, back and forth.  I have to admit, I still have every single letter, every postcard, every mailing I ever received from her.  I remember receiving literally a message in a bottle.  It was a plastic bottle with a scroll of paper inside.  I love it and still do. :)  I have it in my box if you want to see it.

We graduated, she from New Zealand and I from the US. We came back to work and after over 7 years of not seeing each other we met up.  It was wonderful to meet old friends.  My first few years in Bangkok, we'd meet up every Friday evening for our "movie" night at a theatre that now no longer exists.  We walked around, shopped and fell in love with shoes and bags as most girls do.  We tried new restaurants and talked about this and that.  I enjoyed it so and have to admit I miss our Friday hangouts. I hope you do too.

Almost a quarter of a century after our first meeting we still meet up and keep in touch though the medium of exchange has moved from letters to icq, msn messenger,and now to mobile chats and facebook.  Technology evolves and so do our lives, but good friends are rare and few in between.   Friends who remain the same throughout all these years are even harder to find.

Thank you for being such a wonderful person.  Thank you for being such a great friend.  Happy Birthday Dear Friend and see you  very very soon!


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