The Royal Wedding of Kate and William

I cannot go on without mentioning the Royal Wedding of the decade.  Since Diana's wedding, there has not been one that has been followed with such enthusiasm.  It is a wonderful change to follow "good" news than hearing the usual stories of war, fighting, economic bailouts and deaths that appear whenever one turns on the television.  Nevertheless, I have to admit I hadn't been following the news so much prior to the wedding but now that the wedding day had arrived, I was excited.

If you live in Bangkok it is hard to escape the hype that accompanies such a wedding. The morning radio news discussed the wedding and as Thais are very fond of such events, we had live coverage aired on Thai television.  Fortunately, we are only six hours ahead of London so the timing is just right. Late afternoon to early evening would be the time of the ceremony.

Though still at the office, all eyes were glued to the television sets.  The air lightened and everyone was relaxed.  Stress levels dropped and heart beats slowed.  Smiles appeared and for that brief hour or so we were all transported to Westminster Abbey to be with Kate and William.  We all had first class seats, watching the event from various angles.   It's just a pity we could not be breathing in the same air nor smell the freshness of the trees that lined the aisles.

The vows were spoken and now Kate and William are man and wife.  Everyone was touched.  Touched at how sweet and loving they seemed.  The two kisses on the balcony put smiles on our faces. My heart melted.  William looked shy and Kate a bit giggly.

It was a fairytale wedding.  To have a real life fairy tale that's not in storybooks is wonderful.  Even if its for a couple hours, it was a couple hours when peace and happiness reigned throughout the world. Not only were people watching in the UK, people all over the world in hundreds of countries were watching.  Millions tuned in.  Tuned in to watch and partake in this happy union.

If only the world could unite more often like this. Be happy and be joyful for other's happiness instead of always fighting for one's ego or for one's own power.  Life would be so much more joyful.  No more fighting, no more killings.  It's little moments like these that we remember and cherish.  The celebration of life rather than the distruction of life....  Wishing you all lots of happiness and peace!  Lets hope this worldwide positive energy remains for sometime yet and gives us all "world peace."


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