Health Check Results

I just got my health check results today.  It's always a bit nerve-racking when you receive the results in a sealed package and have to open it.  It makes you wonder what will be written inside.  How will my cholesterol be this year? Am I going to have high triglyceride levels?   It's a time when you cannot run away from reality and the numbers are either telling you good or not so good news.  Getting the health check result is like getting a reality check.

A reality check that tells you how well, or not well, you have been treating your body.

A few years ago when I was at my "peak" (in terms of being overweight and unhealthy, not peak fitness level!), I never liked the health check results.  It was always had the same phrases on them:  "Lose some weight, eat healthier, exercise, cholesterol levels are high, avoid fatty foods and dairy products."

Yes, I remember them all. It was always there and I read them year after year.  It became something predictable.  I'd start exercising for a few months and then somehow the effects of the reality check would subside. I'd forget the results, forget the exercise and go back to my unhealthy habits.  "So what?" I thought to myself, "it's not that serious.  I'm not in any high risk level.  Just slightly overweight." 

It takes awhile for all the bad habits and unhealthy lifestyle to readjust and find its footing.

I think it was the body composition test that hit me hard. I was composed of roughly 40 percent of fat. (Yes, I still have the results with me) "Gosh, I'm a walking 40 percent blob of fat." I thought to myself.  I was "almost" in the "obese" category.  A scary thought.  Just a few grams more and I would have been I think.

I lost 15 kg by the end of 2009. Started running.  In mid year 2010, my health check showed a slight improvement in cholesterol levels, but it was still above the 200 recommended level.

Now finally almost 2 years since I started running, my cholesterol level has gone below the 200 level.  It went down 10 from last year.  I'm esctatic.  I'm delighted.  It's even lower than when I was 29 years old.  (That's the oldest health report I could find).  Other blood test results have turned up better too.

All that exercise and running is definitely worth it.  Yes, I will probably have to keep running the rest of my life, but I love the fact now that I get tired a lot less.  I can withstand the heat more and walk without feeling tired. 

Let's all exercise regularly and take care of our bodies.  It's the only one we have (for this lifetime anyways)  Cherish it more than anything else, for without good health, you don't have anything in this world.  Imagine, you might not even be able to walk or go see your favorite movie... Here's to good health!


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