Relationships..What is it you want?

I finally finished watchng Season 4 of Gossip Girls and can't help but wonder at its strange appeal.  It's crazy, it's a high school story, but somehow it's fun to watch even if I'm way beyond my highschol years.  Perhaps it's because it is somewhat reflective of life and it makes you think about the good and bad parts of life.  In a year of these characters's life,  more events and scandals happen than would ever happen in my entire lifetime.  Yet, there are a thing or two one could contemplate about when thinking about these characters's choice of boyfriends/girlfriends.  What sort of person are they looking for? What is it they want in life?  These are questions I think are relevant at any age.

Blair wants a fairy tale life with a fairy tale prince.  She finds one and they are soon engaged to be married, yet somehow she still feels for the adventurous and raw Chuck Bass.  She was almost going to give up the fairy tale for him, but then Chuck decided for her.  She's going to marry prince charming.

I wonder if prince charming really exists.  I wonder if Blair has fully contemplated what she wants in life for all that glitters is not gold.   Perhaps what she wished for might not be what she needs.

In every relationship, in every life, I think it's about learning to see the good and the bad in another person.    It involves a process of learning and understanding the other person and their needs.  It's not only about their title and their name.  Once you understand them and see who they truly are, then you can decide if certain faults can be overlooked.  If you decide these faults are ones you don't mind, then it work at it.   If you cannot accept them, move on.   Don't wait for someone perfect for there's no one perfect in this world. By definition, perfect does not exist.

Then there's the issue of what is it you value in life?  What are the things you hold most important and dear?  What is it you want most in life?

Some want fame and money.  Some want someone to be by their side.  Some want honesty.   It depends.  There's no right or wrong answer, each person has different needs and wants, you just have to find out what your need is and if they match.  It's not easy.  Some spend a lifetime trying to find out what it is they want in life.  Some never find out.  Some lucky ones have.

I think these are things that Blair should think about. I know it's a series, but maybe we'll see them grow up next season.  Chuck already has somewhat, for now he knows it's better to let someone go and let them be happy than hold on to them for himself.  If everyone knew what they want, imagine what a happy world this would be.  Less scandals, less heart break, less sadness.

Do you know? What do you think? Please share.


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