Doraemon Girl: HBD!

It's Thanksgiving weekend and with it comes turkey, stuffing, cranberry and pumpkin pie.  Yes, I miss Thanksgiving in the US.  Here in Thailand, it's just not the same.  We don't get the "feeling" of Thanksgiving and families reuniting, or the felling that the weekend kickstarts the festive season and Christmas mad shopping with Black Friday.  This week of Thanksgiving is also a week when two good friends of mine were born many years ago and so I want to also take the opportunity to say "Thank you" to you my friends.  Tonight, in particular I want to write about a lovely friend who was born on the 21st.  You know who you are WD :) 

Yes, we've known each other since primary school days in Bangkok when we still had to dress in uniforms with white shirts and a turquoise blue skirts.  That's how I remember you dear friend.  In uniform.  We were all in uniform and together we'd be there walking around school with a few of our other friends. To this day, I still think you look the same.  You do not seem to have aged at all and one can always count on you if we need to hear some fun stories about film or other superstitious stories.

I still remember when we were both in college in the US.  Phone calls and ICQ were how we kept in touch and I'd be there calling you sometimes in the midst of the night.  Yes, our conversations ranged from anything from movies to heartache and other things girls talked about. You were the one knocking some sense into my sometimes nonsensical brain.  During long weekends like Thanksgiving I remember you coming to dear old Philly for a visit.

It was always good to see you.  It'd be our chance to have a little reunion with RIS friends.  We went for dimsum at Chinatown, visited the old city, Independence hall, Liberty Bell and explored South Street.  During the night, we'd sit and chat and yes, talk about superstition.  You were always the one who knew all this stuff.  You even brought along Tarot cards one trip and we had fun looking at them.  I don't remember what my reading said, but I hope it was good.  I remember thinking how accurate it was. We even went around New York City together during my first trip there. Together we took the ferry to the Statue of Liberty and walked from Battery park up to Central Park.  We saw almost everything New York had to offer. 

After graduation, you stayed and worked in the US and I came back. We still kept in touch though and whenever you were in Bangkok, we'd meet up.  A few years ago you finally decided to come back and since then we have been seeing each other more often.  You still have this fascination for film and movies and know so much about them it always astounds me.  You are still the same passionate person who knows exactly what she wants and isn't afraid to do it.  A person so sincere and without any negative thoughts or motives.  You are always just you.  A wonderfully reliable friend.

I thank you for being a friend who has always been there no matter how near or far.  We grew up together and will continue to do so.  It's been great knowing you all these years, and of course for many more years to come. Thank you dear friend.  Happy Birthday! 


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