Future Not Past

I can hardly believe the year is almost over already.  In just a few days it will be December and along comes with it Christmas, parties and New Years...Today I write about a quote that has been stuck in my head for weeks and believe it or not, it comes from Kung Fu Panda 2. (I know it's an animation, but I have to say I think the creators did a lovely job of not only graphics, but the plot and content is also quite thought provoking. )

"It does not matter what your past is, but what you will do with your future."

Master Shifu said something like this (I don't remember the exact wording) to Panda when teaching him about "inner peace."  Despite Panda's success as a Dragon warrior Master Shifu says one needs to achieve "Inner Peace." Inner peace is essential for without it, in the face of danger one can lose one's grounding and fall flat on one's face.   Inner peace stablizes us and lets us stand ready for whatever happens next, whatever comes to us.

What's important though is not to let the past hold us down.

Many people and myself included sometimes get caught in the past. This is the way things were, this is how they should be.  We get obsessed with our own pasts, other people's past and go about getting all flustered about it. We think our past defines who we are.  We believe that we are a product of the past. We think that we cannot change.

However, we are not.  The past does not define who we are.

What is more important is what we make of our future and who we are today.

What is important is what you learn from your past, your experiences and the path you choose for your future.

A robber doesn't forever have to be a robber. If he realizes this is not the way he wants to live life, he can reinvent himself and find another career that is more honest.  We give them second chances.  In other ways, we can also give ourselves a new life.  Just because a certain event or certain experiences made us feel down and sad, it does not mean that our life will forever have to be that way. It is what Master Shifu says, "What you will do with your future."

Your future is in your hands. Make it what you want.


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