Born Free

Our Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva announced today that "Order had
been restored." Upon hearing those words, I felt like a mountain had
been lifted off my shoulder.
I am delighted beyond words that these two months of protests have
finally ended so that I may start living my life again. Never have I
been so thankful to have my liberty back.
Liberty that I had previously taken for granted. I now understand
why Liberty and Freedom are probably one of the most cherished rights
one could have. To be able to go where and when I wish without
having to fear danger or worry about roads being closed. To be able to
roam the streets free as a bird.
A very old song I liked as a child growing up is "Born free."
"Born free, as free as the wind blows, as free as the grass grows,
born free to follow your heart........ Born free, and life is worth
living, but only worth living, cause you're born free.."
We must not forget and let anything take our freedom away, for we are
"Born Free."
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