Guilty of Gluttony

During my day off on Wednesday, I went to eat at a buffet.  The food was great, the ambiance wonderful, and the company even better.  After having lost all that weight, (a huge 15 kgs of it) I had been cautious about my eating and maintaining my weight.   Things had been going so well, I decided to reward myself and just allow myself to eat to my heart's content for a day.   

I told myself, "It's just one meal, then you'll go run it off and watch your portions for the next few days.  Things will be alright." 

Weight-wise, things were great.  I didn't gain any weight.  

I throughly had a great time eating my full share of sashimi, wakame, eel,  oysters, salads, breads, cheese,  lamb chops, beef in truffle sauce, berry duck breast, grilled fish,  and two lovely servings of velvety dark chocolate cake.

I ate a ALOT.  I  ate like it was the end of the world, and that I would never get to eat again.  I ate as if there was no tomorrow.

Last night and today I suffered for my gluttonous behaviour.  My body and stomach gave up on me and protested with a bout of  vomiting, nausea and diarrhea.   I have a weak stomach and my body naturally rebelled.  It was working overtime.   I know my stomach well, afterall  we've been together for more than 3 decades.  I can't eat too much, or eat spicy, or have ice that has the tiniest speck of bacteria on it.

So my advice to everyone is this:  Don't be a glutton and overeat (like me).  Even if you don't gain any weight, one day your body will rebel and you would have lost 2 lovely days of your existence.  Days that could have been spent golfing or just hanging out with friends.

As buddhism teaches us, it is always better to follow the middle path and have everything in moderation. :)   Good things will come again. :)


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