Pray for Thailand

Tonight I write this post which much sadness and with a sorrow I cannot describe. My Bangkok, the city of angels, is burning down in all the major areas and there is nothing we can do about it but pray that this nightmare will end sooner than later.
This morning I woke up to news of the military crackdown on the protestors which started since 5:45hours. We all hoped it would end soon and at around 13:45 hours today the Red Shirt leaders announced an end to the protests and turned themselves in to the national police. For a brief period there was a calmness that we all hoped would signal a peaceful end to this saga.

Ill from the flu, I slept in the afternoon glad that things had finally turned for the better. I woke up at 16:00 hours to scenes of fire raging throughout my beloved country.

Angry that the leaders had turned themselves in, the black guards of the Red Shirts set out to burn down every major landmark that we hold dear. Not only did fire rage in Bangkok but throughout the major provinces in Thailand.

Major offices, shopping malls, banks, and government offices were burnt down. Blocked by the protestors, fire brigades could not gain access to stop the fire from spreading. Dark clouds of smoke filled the clear blue sky like an evil shadow.

An evil shadow that must be and will be overcome.

Soldiers and policemen are out there working to restore peace and order. My prayers are with them and the government who has worked so hard to ensure that law and order will prevail.

We will survive this nightmare no matter how scarred we are. Things will get better and we will move on with our lives.

In the meantime, tonight will be a sleepless night, filled with tears. Tears for a Thailand that once was. Thailand of a thousand smiles.

I love you.


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