The Bread Machine

The weekend is always dangerous.  It's especially dangerous when I find myself in the electronics section or in the kitchen appliances area.  If I am in the Apple Store too long, I get tempted by the iPad 2, the MacBook Air or even the little accessories.  Suddenly my iPhone feels like it needs a couple more accessories. (I already have three brand new cases waiting to be used.  I'm stocking up for when iPhone 3GS cases become hard to find... :P)  At the moment, the universal dock is tempting. I can charge my phone on it at night without taking up space on my bedside table and it'll look pretty on its stand..hmm

In the kitchen appliances area, I'm drawn by all the baking materials.  Yes, I enjoy being a girl and cooking although I am also a working woman.  I enjoy cooking.   For me its like I get to go on a little vacation and create a few things.  A stir here and there, pop it in the oven and suddenly you get a new creation.  At the same time, it's also relaxing and gets your mind off things.  Yes, my house is full of cooking books, and machines of all sorts.  We have the yogurt maker, crepe machine, fondue set, all sorts of baking trays and cake pans.  The house is overloaded with cooking materials, utensils and all sorts of machines.  This past weekend's newest addition is the bread machine.

Of course nothing beats making bread the traditional way by hand, but with so many things to do nowadays the machines are always so tempting.  Here, I can just pop the ingredients into the machine and roughly three hours later, I'll have fresh bread.  How absolutely wonderful.  I can use it to make pizza dough or just bread dough so that I can take it out to put in stuffings.  I can make fruit breads, carrot bread,  or any kind of bread.  All this, without getting my hands dirty.  This is exciting stuff.

I can even pre-programme the machine so that it starts later on at night.  This way I can wake up to the fresh smell of bread.  Ahh...what I good dream.  Tonight I'm trying it out.  Lets see what the results are like.  So far the dough looks promising and thinking about it is giving me little bursts of joy.   I'll have fresh bread soon!

Although I love all these machines and gadgets, I have to admit that I wonder if one day I will be overwhelmed with all these machines.  What do we do with all the unused items?  What will this earth do with them?   I still have my Palm V since the days when PDAs were the chick thing to have.  The younger generation no longer know what it is. It still works wonderfully but it is mostly left to sleep in my drawer.  I could throw it away, but it's such a pity to throw something so good away.  So what do you do with all your unused gadgets?  Do you recycle them or keep them?  What do you think?

Not to forget my bread machine, if you have a bread machine, how do you like it? :)  Do you have any good recipes to share?


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