Three Hundred Nights

Tonight is the night I break the lucky 300th post. I therefore want to give a special note of appreciation and thanks to my dear readers. For each and everyone of you have and continue to inspire me. Your comments, your thoughts, and your support are an invaluable source of motivation for me to continue on writing. I also want to thank Alex who is always there by my side prodding me along whenever I need it. Thank you.
Without your support, Having “Me” Time would most probably have been left to gather dust in a little corner and be one day labeled as “internet junk.” (Perhaps it might be so in the future, but not just yet. Not anytime soon.) I have to admit that writing out into the abyss of the internet day-in day-out can be somewhat of a daunting task. There is so much out there. The internet is a vast universe of its own and we occupy but tiny corner of it. A nano sized speck invisible to the human eye.

For three hundred nights I have sat in front of my computer screen and for three hundred nights, I have smiled upon seeing your comments and your support. Thank you my readers. You mean much to me and I hope that Having “Me” Time will continue to be a part of your lives.

Together we have lived through political turmoils, reflected upon lost lives, prayed for tsunami victims, explored various corners of this earth, and enjoyed the great cuisines of this earth. Most importantly, we do all this without forgetting that it is essential to live healthy. Life is full of such unexpected events and there is much to experience in this short life time of ours. Let’s go out, have some “me” time and enjoy what this world has to offer. It’s too precious to just let it pass by.

Take care and sweet dreams until tomorrow night.


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