Introduction: Bangkok Must Sees and Eats

I've been getting a lot of questions from friends lately requesting recommendations about where they can entertain guests or friends from abroad.  We want to take them somewhere that is uniquely Thai, and see things that shouldn't be missed on one's trip here.  What is there to see that is local?  Where are some good restaurants that serve great food and have good ambiance (without killing your bank account)?  Where can one go which is not confined to shopping malls and yes, more shopping malls?  How should we plan the day?

Bangkok is a large city of 10 million people and there is much to see and do similar to most cosmopolitan cities that thinking of "uniquely local" things can be a daunting task.  I've therefore decided that it's time for me to compile the best of what there is to see and do in Bangkok and Day Trips to places not far off.  These are places I've taken my friends out to, places I've visited and things that I find work for those who like things a little out of the ordinary.

Recommendations will include must sees for first time visitors, restaurants and suggested itineraries.  It'd be a we week long series so keep posted!

If you have any suggestions or ideas, please also feel free to share them.  :)  We would all love to hear from you.   If you don't have any friends visiting just yet, what better way to spice up life a bit then take a trip in your own city :) When was the last time you acted like a tourist in your own hometown?


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