Here's a positive thought...catch it!

A strange kind of peace seems to have transcended since the New Years.  Maybe it is because I am just getting a little older and a little calmer.   Or maybe it's because I have been enjoying the time truly having some much needed "me" time reading books and being alone with my thoughts.  I think being able to just stay home with uninterrupted time for a few hours on a weekend is indeed a time to cherish and value.  It allows one time to really prioritize and define what is indeed important in life.

This year I thought about why we all like Christmas and New Years so much.  I always enjoyed it but never really gave much thought to why we can't spend the rest of our year thinking it's Christmas or New Years.  Wouldn't life be so much more pleasant?

For me, I discovered that Christmas and New Years are a good time for one to re-tune and get back in touch with those most dear to us.   It's when we often go out to eat with our friends, reunite with those we haven't met for a long time and truly enjoy the company of others.  It's a time of positive thinking and positive energy.  It's when we have the chance to just sit back and enjoy a good conversation without feeling rushed. It's a time of catch up and make amends. It's a time when we get to 'slow' down a little.

It's also when we gladly buy gifts for others and enjoy seeing others' happiness upon recieving gifts.  It's when the focus shifts away from only thinking out "me" and towards "you." It makes the mind clearer and lighter.  What's more important is that this positive energy is contagious.  Positive energy given out will result in more positive energy generally, I find.

Why can't we all be such pleasant beings the rest of the year? Let us remember this positive feeling. I want to, so am sending everyone positive thoughts tonight!! :)

Catch it before it falls!


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