Sleep is good.

I need my sleep but sometimes I wonder, why do we sleep?  Do I really need to sleep? If I didn't sleep I could spend more waking hours doing a million more things.

Why we sleep though is a question that has been asked for centuries and still no one really knows the answer.  I do not know why I sleep, but I know that if I do not get enough sleep, the next day becomes a waste of a day. I get headaches, feel groggy and my concentration level is low.   This lack of sleep is what scientists have been studying for centuries in an attempt to better understand why we sleep.

Scientists study these various effects of sleep defiency to better understand sleep.  Without it,  our cognitive skills would be harmed and brain development probably affected. If you think humans sleep to save energy, the BBC article "The Science of Sleep" mentions that for eight hours of sleep, we only save about 50kCal which is very minimal.  One piece of my Pepperidge Farm Milano cookie is already 60KCal.  A cup of non-fat yogurt is 80KCal. I suppose we don't sleep to save energy.

According to the article, continued lack of sleep will result in a shut down of part of the brain that controls language, memory, planning and sense of time.   Actually going 17 hours without sleep decreases your performance to the equivalent level of if you had drank two glasses of wine.

No wonder my brain feels tired after a long day.  Judgements are not as good and people respond slower to situations. 

The article also mentions that lack of sleep is detrimental for emotional and physical health.  I agree.  On days where I did not get enough sleep the previous night, I am more emotional.  If I've been sleeping little, I also find that my weight gain is faster.  This is because hormones and chemicals that control appetite and weight gain are released during sleep.

As the clock is now ticking, I think I shall have to end here and get a good nights sleep.   Have a good night dear friends.  Enough sleep for a person is "when it is enough not to make you sleepy during the day time".  Some need 4 hours, some need 8 hours.  How much do you need? Do you know?


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