Kaiten-sushi at Ueno, Tokyo

In Tokyo, I discovered quite by accident an unexpectedly good kaiten sushi place on my way to visit the Asakusa.  I had to change trains at Ueno and I was hungry, so I walked out the station to find something to eat.  It wasn't the best sushi on earth, but it was definitely worth the price and extremely satisfying.  The salmon just melted in my mouth.  I discovered this little kaiten-sushi or conveyor belt sushi place called Oedo, just outside Ueno Station on a walking street opposite the station.  It's built under the train tracks so it's a tiny little place. 

Anyways, the wonderful thing is that this kaiten sushi place offers everything at one price.  All the sushi and rolls are priced at 126yen or just $1.5 !!  Absolutely wonderful.  Now it not only had salmon, grilled, salmon, but it also had yellow tail, eel, tuna, shrimp and just about anything you could think of.  Of course no toro nor sea urchin, that would be too wonderful.   I had two servings of the grilled salmon.  It was so fresh it melted in my mouth.  Oh I wish I could just hop out to have it again.

I wouldn't mind going back there at all.  In fact, if I had more days in Tokyo, I would go back to eat there.  Next to me on one side was a man who really just sat there enjoying his meal.  He sat alone and just continued to pile up the dishes.  He sat there with a little grin and cared not what others were eating.  He asked the chef for special ones so he didn't have to wait for the belt to come around.  Personal service, but since I don't speak japanese you just have to do it the traditional way and pick up whatever you want to eat from the conveyor belt.  I love it, I get to sit there watching the food roll by and debate what I shall have for my next bite.

At the end of the meal, a lady comes around to count your dishes and tell you how much it costs.  It was so inexpensive I could hardly believe it.  The tea and wasabi was of course included already.  My extremely satisfying meal cost a mere 500yen or $6.  Now that's even cheaper than what I can have in Thailand!  Itadakimasu!


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