Learning to Tie My Shoes

Going out to run the other day, I tried something different with my laces.  Usually I just pull it at the ends and then tie the shoes without much thought to it.  I mean, I've been tieing my own shoe laces for almost three decades and at this age, who can't tie their shoe lace?  I never gave much thought to it until one day I realized my shoes weren't feeling as comfortable as they should have.

Some days I felt like they were just an extension of my body and I could run easily.  Some days they felt big and bulky.  So in an attempt to discover what's making me feel so different, I slowed down my pace and carefully tied my shoes.  Instead of just pulling the ends, I went through the middle of the laces and pulled them tight with both my fists.  I pulled it up all the way to the end which made the shoe seem to fit a bit more and then I tried to make my bow looked good.

Surprisingly, it made a huge difference to how my shoes felt on my feet and also on the performance of my run.  My feet felt comfortable and light.  The shoes wrapped firmly around my feet and gave me much needed support.  Running became so much more fun.

Today I came across this video clip on runner's world on how to tie shoes properly.  Try it!  I think you might be up for some surprises!  I just found out I've been tying my shoes with the wrong granny knot all along! :S Eeks!


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