Car Free Freedom

Happy Chinese New Year!!! :)  Gosh another year has passed and gone before you know it :)  Today is the third day of the festivities and the Chinese say today is the day of "travel" and of having fun, so I thought I'd share with you some more of my travels and wanderings around Old Town Bangkok.  Before that though, I thought it'd be fun for us to go car free every once in awhile.  Just for fun.  Just to explore.

It's amazing how going car-free on somedays can really open up your world.  The other day, walking around the Charoen krung road with Alex, we realized (well he did actually)  that the reason we were able to go around like we did was really due to the fact that we left our cars at home.   How so?  Leaving our cars behind gave us the opportunity to walk around anywhere we want without having to worry about parking. Most importantly, we also didn't have to go back to get the car.  We just walked wherever we so desired.  It was freedom.   There was no obligation whatsoever to go and get the car. 

I guess its pretty much like when we go on holidays.  On holidays we always seem to enjoy walking around and exploring cities and sites.  We see new things and discover what previously was unknown.  The only difference is that it's just a holiday in Bangkok, where I spend most of my days.  A holiday without the travel.  A new perspective on the same city.

It's fun!  Try it for a day if you run out of ideas about what to do and where to go.  Hop over to some area you've never explored and spend the day walking around. :)  Who knows what you'll find? :)

And Oh, you're also helping the planet.  Isn't that cool?


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