Old Vienna: Schnitzel at Figmueller

It's the weekend and we all must dine.  I love long weekends where I have the time to meet friends, hang out and just enjoy eating good food.  Life is great at this point.  When we travel, we also must eat good food.  For me, travel and good food go hand in hand.  To experience a culture fully, you must eat the food they eat and enjoy the entire experience.  One of my favorite restaurants in Vienna which is frequented by both locals and visitors is the "Figlmueller."

Opened since 1905, at Figlmueller you can have one of the most famous "Schnitzel" in Vienna.  I drool just thinking about it.  What is this weird sounding food called "schnitzel"?  It is basically pork tenderloin which has been pounded until very thin.  It is then put into a batter and topped with breadcrumbs before being fried.  It's served with salad and potatoes.

You can have schnitzel almost everywhere in Vienna, but what makes Figlmueller so special is that the schnitzel here is very thin.   They pound it so thin that the schnitzel literally falls off your plate with a diameter of more than 30cm.  It's not greasy and the pork is just so crispy and tender at the same time.   It is delicious. My stomach is starting to growl even though I just had a lovely dinner and I don't want to eat before sleeping so I shall have to stop my description of the food here.  Go try it if you have time :)

The ambiance?  There are two restaurants all within walking distance of the Stephansdom, but the original one is at Wolzeille. As you make your way to the alley you might wonder if you are in the right place.  It's quiet, until you get to the restaurnat and step inside. It's bustling yet its cosy and you feel like you are in a traditional viennese restaurant.  The wooden tables and windows that open out onto the small alley where the restaurant is located makes it worthwhile.    I've never been to the newest one at Backerstrasse, but I heard from those who've been that its equally good and a bit a less crowded.

The price is also not too expensive.  It's EUR13.90 for a Schnitzel and that is usually enough for a full meal.  With some salads it'll be around EUR20 per person... I must thank my local Austrian friend who recommended me this place.  If it wasn't for her, I'd never have found it.  Hmm.. I wonder if I'd ever get to go back there again...I hope so. 

As with all places in this day and age, I discovered they have a website so check it out if you have time :)  http://www.figlmueller.at/index.php


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