Sunday of Love

This morning as I awoke I noticed something different in the air.  It wasn't bright and sunny and the air wasn't heavy.  Before I could look out the window, I heard the sound of rain pouring down on Bangkok.  How wonderful it is.  After days of humidity where the air was so heavy I had trouble breathing, I'm glad the rain has come.  It feels like a whole new day and what a wonderful way to start off Sunday.

Sunday is my favorite day of the week.  It's always the day when things seem to go on at a slower pace after the hectic weekday and the busy errand filled Saturday.  Some shops are closed on Sundays and it reminds me of my childhood days in Europe.  There Sunday is church day and most of the shops do close.   It's family day and time to just have quality time with those you love.  Bangkok is trying to make Sunday family day too. 

Therefore being the Sunday before Valentines' Day, remember that it's not only a day of love for your better half or that special someone, but it is also a time of love for family and friends. :)  There are many who touch us in our lives, perhaps this is a good time to tell them so.  Have a Happy Sunday everyone!


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