Happy Valentine's Day

It's that time of year again when couples walk hand in hand and everywhere you go there are red roses and heart shaped goods for sale.  Everything is in "chocolate."  Chocolate hearts, chocolate bears, chocolate drinks, and chocolate flowers.  Tomorrow, flowers will be everywhere and looks of happiness from those who give and those who receive.  Those without, might just choose to escape somewhere far away from all this heart wrenching mess. Yes, its a huge marketing fiasco out there every Valentine's and sometimes it gets a bit too much, but I have to say that there is some merit to it.

For many who dare not mention words of "love" on other days, Valentine's sounds like a good opportunity.  It gives one an excuse to reach out to those who matter to us.  It basically gives one a good opportunity to overcome our "fears" and just go do it. What da heck, everyone is doing it!  Although it could be said to apply mostly to youngsters and teenagers, I think it's something that can be and should be applied to all ages.  Why can't older people feel equally excited about V-day?

So if there is someone out there you like and love (doesn't always have to be a boyfriend/girlfriend) or friends and family alike,  inlaws, just go ahead and tell them how much you love them on Valentine's.  It'd be great if everyday could be Valentine's Day but we humans are forgetful beings and these "little" gestures of love can be forgotten in the rush of everyday life.  "Little" gestures that make a big difference :)

Happy Valentine's Day Everyone! :):)


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